Thank You For Being A... Friend?
For as long as I can remember or better yet articulate, I have always been an extremely sensitive, compassionate, creative type with an...

Fork & Wrench: My Review In Photographs
On February 13th, the day before my birthday, I was welcomed with opened arms to a place that has quickly become one of my favorite...

The $50 Drugstore Makeup Bag
If the vast world of makeup and beauty is something you've been wanting to dive into but you just cant wrap your head around those high...

Can We Talk About It?: The Dirty Handlings Of Modern-day Communication
It's a known fact that in todays society, we don't have time for much. We're always looking for a shortcut, an abridged version, an easy...

He Is The Closest I've Ever Come To Finding Forever: 5 Things I Learned On My Way To love
Being born on valentines day certainly kills the novelty of the holiday itself. Its a plastic, pink, candy coated, packaged and...

Birthday Dinner & Restaurant Review At The Fork & Wrench
This Valentines day weekend, I spent the friday before turning 28 in a really chill establishment, amidst some very talented and...

My Obsession With Fork & Wrench: Pt. 1 Of The Dining Dolo Series
One hellaciously frigid tuesday morning I was sitting at my desk in a tattered bathrobe sipping on my third cup of coffee while scrolling...

The Blackest of Black Makeup
In celebration of Black History month (…or year) The High Yella Bella shares her top 6 favorites in deliciously deep black makeup....

When Writers Block Conquers
As a performance poet heavily rooted In the east coasts scene of emerging hit or miss legends,, I sometimes feel inclined to pump out...